
About the Site

Galun.com has been around since (I believe) 1999. Prior to registering the domain, however, I had a personal web site on my ISP. My reasons for having a web site — and the designs and content on the site — have changed quite a bit over the years. Today, I maintain the site so that I have a place to practice my web design and my writing. It keeps me intellectually limber.

The site used to be more of a pseudo-blog, but I don't have much interest in posting new content every day. There are plenty of great bloggers out there handling that, the world doesn't suffer for lack of one more. Besides, right now I am more interested in exploring ideas thoroughly than in being an "instapundit."

I don't know how much longer I'll keep updating this site — are there really enough hours in the day to keep working on a vanity plate that you feel sheepish about displaying anyway? But at the very least, I find it very interesting to pull up the old versions of the site that are still on my computer, and see how I've changed through the years as expressed through my web site. In that sense, the site is like a time capsule or a strange journal.


CSS Zen Garden gets the credit for inspiring me to do the 1/1/2004 redesign. The Zen Garden is the coolest site ever.

Thanks to British Pathe for the picture of the jet skiers I use in the "sixties" design.

Thanks to the British Museum for the background used in the "vase" design.

Thanks to Chris Braunsdorf and Joel Reaser for letting me learn all about web design on their dimes.

Thanks to Bruno Fassino, Michael Landis, and everyone else on CSS-D, without whose help I would never have been able to learn how to build a (relatively) standards-compliant site.

Thanks to Mitchell Stokely for showing me how to work around Internet Explorer's lack of min-height support.

Browser Compatibility, Accessibility, and Web Standards

In developing this site, I have tried to maximize standards compliance, browser compatibility, and accessibility. However, this is a personal site, and I have only so much time that I can put it. I know that the site works in Internet Explorer 6 for PC and Mozilla 1.5. It probably looks pretty poor — but hopefully is still readable — in other web browsers. But, hey, 75% of Internet users are using IE 6 now, and Mozilla is my own browser of choice, so everyone else will have to deal. As for accessibility, I am sure that I have not made a perfectly accessible site, but I think that it's probably pretty good...

The Colors Don't Match

I'm colorblind you insensitive clod!